Tomb 130
History of the tomb
It is one of the chambers that Presedo excavated in one of his first excavations. This tomb has a structure very similar to the one we have seen in chamber 179.
A cist tomb with six slabs that form the funerary chamber and inside it has two benches and a shelf. It is quite interesting, because when Presedo excavated it, it was covered by a kind of adobe mastaba, probably a mound that cushioned it and finally, under that structure, there were two stone slabs. When lifting the two stone slabs it was seen that the tomb had not been filled with earth. The trousseau was directly placed more or less in its original position, since some objects had fallen to the floor below.
This medium-sized tomb cannot have the entrance system as it would be done, since the land is very devastated around it, but it must have had it because there were three cremations within the cist. On the west shelf of the chamber and below it were a series of vessels dedicated to libations and a bronze bowl for serving the drink.

– Slab: Stone fragment, partially exsquared.
– Cinerary urn: Urn intended to contain the ashes of corpses.
– Necropolis: Large cemetery in which funeral monuments abound.